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Instead, there is nothing but the hollow echo of the Elves' footsteps in the ancient halls. No longer do the caves rumble with their sounds nor the earth shake beneath their heavy tread. No longer do the skies ring with the cries of dragons and the roar of their fiery breath.

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Now it is Imrik alone who fights in the traditional manner of his glorious noble house. Gone are the days when his followers rode into battle atop mighty fire drakes. It is he who is one of the few who can wake the dragons in times of need, and then only a few. Prince Imrik carries the name of Imrik as do all descendants of that ancient ruler of the Elven race.

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The lower races must learn this lesson and submit to our rule - if they do not do so willingly, then we shall make them do so by force of arms." We earned this right at the dawn of time, when it was we, and we alone, that defeated the forces of Chaos and drove them back into their foetid realm.

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